Friday, June 21, 2013

Feser's "The Road From Atheism"

I thought I would summarize the main points of Edward Feser's conversion from atheism to theism. I may explore these in more detail point-by-point over time.

  • Atheism caused not by the argument from evil, but by the evidentialist objection: there is no (good) evidence for the existence of God.
  • The difference between the theistic personalism of modern evangelicals etc, and classical theism. He still thinks theistic personalism (God as a magical sky wizard) is implausible. Classical theism (God as existence itself) is more plausible.
  • The content of propositions are not identifiable with the sentences that express it, or dispositions, or psychological states, etc (i.e., some form of Platonic realism is true).
  • Materialism of the mind is hopeless (John Searle's Rediscovery of the Mind)
  • Russell's view that matter is more problematic than mind, because we are intimately familiar with mind but not matter, and...
  • ...physics cannot be the whole story, because physics gives you only the abstract structure of matter
  • Mind cannot be assimilated to matter if one wants to avoid panpsychism.
  • Naturalist theories of "aboutness" are impossible
  • "Classical" problems in philosophy are caused by anti-Aristotelianism, and most modern atheist moves presuppose these assumptions
  • Aristotelianism seems much more plausible, especially as a solution to all the "classical" philosophical problems.
  • Leibnizian cosmological arguments that say the universe must have an explanation. To disagree with this is less plausible and more rhetorical than it is well-argued.
  • Most philosophers are way off base when treating Aquinas' arguments for the existence of God.

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